
Joanne Shin

{October 2024 - 9 Books in the 9th Month and a New Email Sequence}

October 2024

October 2024 Newsletter!

It's October! How have you all been doing? Time flies by so quicklyyyy.

(I have exciting news at the very end of this email, so stay tuned!)

Writing Update

I wrote this month! I'm also doing something called Inktober, which is for artists. It's where people draw something every day based on a list of prompts.

But on a writer's community that I'm a part of, we write every day with those prompts instead of drawing! So I've been doing that and it's been so much fun hehe.

Life Update

So I've been at my new school for about a month now! And it has not been as bad as I thought it was going to be.

That may be because I had terribly low expectations. Nevertheless! I'm making friends and I think slowly, I'm adjusting.

Tis a slow process though, and I think there's not much I can do about that. xD

From My Playlist

But apparently, going to a school means you need motivation, and one of the best sources for it is music, so I listened to great music this month.

  • Welcome to the Show by Day6 | Excellent song. It's just so good, and it gives me performance vibes and it's too goood.
  • The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars | The perfect song to listen to when procrastinating because it validates my procrastination. Though it shouldn't. xD
  • Every Second by Mina Okabe | A chill song that I like listening to when I have nothing to do.

On My Bookshelf

I did a lot of reading this past month. My theory is that being at a new school is hard and therefore I read more to escape. The result being that I read 9 books in September, which is a record for me. But I can't put that many books in an email, so I chose my favourites hehe.

  • Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein | SO GOOD. I've read a lot of WWII books and this one is definitely among the top. The friendship, and the plot and all of it ties in so well together and it's just amazing. Read it.
  • The Inheritance Games (#1-#3) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes | This was good! I had high expectations but it honestly wasn't that amazing. I didn't get emotionally attached to the characters but I liked all the puzzles in the books.
  • 1984 by George Orwell | Ooooof this one was depressing. But it was really good. Like, this book makes you think about politics and life and it's art. If I had to choose one book to recommend to you from all the books I read in September, it would be this book.


One last thing is a little announcement I have that applies more to the writers in my email list!

I'm launching a two-week-long email course/sequence that talks about consistency and being more productive! People have gone through it and have said that it's been helpful! I've worked hard on this sequence and would love it if you tried it out! <33

Andd that's the real end of this email!

Thank youuuu for reading!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA, 98104-2205, Seattle , Washington 98104
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Joanne Shin

Hey, I'm Joanne! I'm a writer who is a follower of God. I love writing, reading, dancing, listening to music, and taking photos. By signing up for my newsletter, you'd be getting one email from me per month, containing photographs, writing news, and rants about books and music. You can click through some of my past emails below to see my style of writing, or add your email address in the little box below! I'd love to have you! : D

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